Security and compliance

Protecting personal information of your Medicare OTC Benefit members by implementing security and compliance measures is at the heart of everything we do. We take multiple measures to ensure the safety of the data we work with.

Our compliance and quality assurance team reviews and audits all the procedures on a regular basis to ensure OTC Stores conducts its business operations in compliance with ethical standards, contractual obligations, as well as all applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and rules.

Adherence to OIG

All compliance and quality assurance processes at OTC Stores are built adhering to the Seven Fundamental Elements of an Effective Compliance Program (OIG).

CMS and FDR compliance

We operate as a First Tier, Downstream, and Related (FDR) entity adhering to all the CMS regulations and enabling comprehensive CMS reporting.

Information security

All our IT systems (including, but not limited to, a reporting portal, a webshop, a CRM, etc.) are built based on HIPAA, PHI, and PCI DSS policies with enabled role-based permissions.

HIPAA trained staff

Our staff is trained in HIPAA compliance when handling private health information for the benefit programs we work with.

Internal quality assurance

We ensure preservation, accessibility, as well as regular quality and compliance control of call recordings.